back when I was a nipper, Frazzles are still the archetypal bacon flavour crisp – the blueprint for all pleasure products pork!
Yes, they’re a little smaller than I recall, yes they’re a bit firmer between the teeth these days and yes, the distinct ruddy stripes that should clearly adorn them are looking more like faded go-faster stripes on a clapped out XR2i…BUT that moreish salty bacon hit and corn crunch still pack a taste punch and really hit the spot.
With pub snack Bacon Fries also on the Smiths* menu, I’m wondering whether Mr Smith was originally a breakfast chef or a master butcher. Either way, Frazzles are the current daddy of bacon crisps**. 9/10
*Yes we know Smiths is a Walkers brand!
**Unless my ol’ favourite Bacon flavour Football Crazy’s are back (which as we go to press, they are not).