Does it taste like a Whopper? Not really.
Is it a tasty crisp? Yes!
A smoky beef flavouring with a touch of sugar to signify tomato (I guess?) and a slight tang to show the dill pickle.
For some reason, they felt the need to say "Burger not included" on the front of the pack?! haha!!!
Doritos have, for some reason opted for a thicker corn chip on this crisp - it's pretty subtle on the packaging but definitely makes for a deeper crunch than you're used to with Doritos.. I'd be interested to see if they roll that out to any other flavours and I wonder why they chose this crisp to do it with.. and not make a song and dance out of it??
Anyway, I'm not completely sure that doritos need a thicker crisp, they've already got a pretty good crunch.