Ridge Cut crisps, of which (The Real) McCoy’s are, will always be the bastions of snack flavour because their grooves help hold the salt that make up a large constituent of the taste of most crispy treats.
That’s not to say all such cuts of crisp are created equally though (just like any other type of crisp for that matter - hence the need for this entire blog site), but McCoys do it as well as anyone, if not better, aided by their great thickness and general large size of individual crisp.
Really we could include the above statement alongside any McCoy’s crisp review, but let’s talk about their take on that old classic, Salt & Vinegar, or Salt &Malt Vinegar as is their flavour (and they do list barley malt vinegar extract in their ingredients). Although when I’m feeling the need for a meaty hit I gravitate towards Flame Grilled Steak, S&V is probably my favourite flavour of McCoy’s and with good reason. Eat more than a few in quick succession and the sharp tang initially experienced becomes more of a burn. Plough on and suddenly you’re napalming your own mouth. Now, I’m no Marquis de Sade but I tell you what… I like it! I want to feel like my tongue is being stripped by acid; I want to be inhaling pickle-esque fumes seconds after each mouthful. Does that make me a crisp pervert?! Possibly. But given this particular product’s popularity it probably makes me one of a majority of snack devourers with a not-so dark secret.

Crisp Nation only allows up to 7/10 for the standard flavours so that’s what these will get. But for me they get 9/10 if you get a proper salty and sour vinegar carpet bombing your gob pack, otherwise it’s a humble 6/10.